About the Production

One dark and stormy night, as Ann Daman was leaving his house, CJ Goodman began to tell her about a webcast he wanted them to host on YouTube. A Paranormal Experience, in the tradition of the recent hit film Paranormal Activity. Realizing the long hours of creating untold 30 minute segments, Ann and CJ looked at each other with strained and tired eyes, just thinking about it!

As Ann turned to leave, CJ stepped out into the cold, out of the safety of his house, Ann turned with renewed hope. “A PARODY!”, CJ exclaimed, and Ann’s eyes grew less tired, and more intrigued.

Soon CJ would watch Paranormal Activity over and over (as a diehard fan he owned the DVD) and begin to spoof each scene, and with haste created the story, the parody, the script! CJ, his sister Joyce, and Ann, went about putting the final touches on the script. Soon it was written, PARANORMAL PARODY!

Then one weekend in late spring of 2010, they began filming. A major problem arose, with actors not returning to set. What were CJ and the crew to do? In the end, CJ and the rest of the producers did their best to fix the problem, which not only turned their parody upside down, but lost the feeling of the original story of Paranormal Activity . . . and gave them all migraines! Actors! Well, some, not all.

During post, CJ found the footage good, but the story was something less then he wanted.

“FILM IT AGAIN, MOTHER@%&#ERS!” CJ screamed with excitement!

But this time without any problems. Yeah, right!

Just a few days before shooting a second time, the new location was suddenly taken away, as the property owner decided they had something better to do that weekend. Only at the eleventh hour would an amazing stranger enter their lives and let them film at her house. More to the crew's surprise, she left them alone.

A New Hope!

The Parody Strikes Back!

And in 26 hours over 3 days, Return of the Parody!

PARANORMAL PARODY. A film by CJ Goodman.